Applied Myoskeletal addresses many conditions including:

  • Pelvic Tilt
  • Unilateral & bilateral pelvic rotations
  • Symphysis pubis dysfunction
  • Functional leg length discrepancy
  • Vertebral rotations
  • Sacral lateral deviation


Option 1:

Couple 21st Century knowledge with 20th Century Bowen Therapy and you have a powerful partnership that will produce outstanding results that would be difficult to surpass using a mono system. Applied Myoskeletal Therapy (AMT) techniques are gentle and of short duration, and their inclusion at the appropriate time in a Bowen Treatment can often be the determining factor in a successful outcome.You also have the option of giving the client a take home, Neuromuscular Re-education Exercise to break the muscle memory cycle, aiding in long-term recovery. Before forming Applied Myoskeletal Therapy with its unique “Foundation Treatment Sequence” (similar to the set sequence of relaxation moves in Bowen Therapy), John Garfield successfully combined the techniques now taught in AMT with his Bowen  treatments and strongly believes this has been a major contribution to his clinical success. You will learn that many of your Bowen moves are capable of addressing other important dysfunctions in the body that you are unaware of, and were not taught in your Bowen training. The inclusion of these skills can only result in you becoming a better therapist. You cannot find something you are not looking for! AMT has been developed by a Bowen Therapist trained to diploma and masters level, who knows and loves your therapy, and continues to study and learn more about it. Applied Myoskeletal Therapy is being taught as a postgraduate course (Post Diploma BT)  and is designed to make a huge difference to your results. It has been carefully structured to complement and improve your clinical outcomes! AMT is extremely compatible with your present method of Bowen Therapy and will make your treatments more complete. Registered CPE Provider with BTFA & ATMS for Bowen Practioners.

Option 2:

Why not offer your clients a choice of services? Many therapists increase their market share by having different modalities to cater for people’s different needs and preferences. AMT is gentle on the therapist’s body and has waiting times similar to Bowen Therapy. It contains more soft-tissue holds as opposed to short duration moves than Bowen Therapy, and many clients like this increased therapeutic tactile contact. 

  • Please refer to FAQ section for a comprehensive description of the benefits
  • Registered as a CPE Provider with BTFA (Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia) & ATMS for Bowen Therapists